Sign-up as an Editor

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Do you love writing?

Do you love sharing your passions with others?

Wht not starting to earn money doing something fun that you love?

We're looking for passionate and talented freelance editors. You'll have to write text articles of about 400/500 words on many different topics. Just fill the form in this page, we'll review your registration request shortly. Each article will be evaluated by the client who submited the job and a 1 to 5 score will be assigned to your article. The editors with the higher score will have an higer probability of being selected for further jobs. The compensation for your job will be proportional to the score you've reached. PAyments are made throuh PayPal at the end of the month after the publication of the article.

It takes only a few seconds, just fill the form and we'll send you a confirmation email after the review of our team. Yo'll get your credentials to sign-in and complete your profile.

In one single step you'll be ready to receive the first requests from our clients..